Saturday, September 12, 2009

coming and going.

It's amazing how god can turn a day around. Today I went down to Aliso Viejo with Max, Dennis, Matt Mansi, Chav, and Vicki and Jim Johnson to celebrate Aaron's birthday. Aaron introduced us to some of his work friends, Brittany and Kate, and almost instantly these girls stole my heart. Their passion for youth ministry was such an inspiration. To see God's joy abounding in their lives, and seeing how they are letting him shape the goals for their future really excited me. We had so many things in common and they gave me such sincere advice and ideas. I'm so thankful that God allowed us to form such a good connection! I will definitely be staying in touch with and visiting these girls.

I've been presented many new options for life after college. Internships at a couple different churches, Biola, and Joshua have been on my heart a lot lately, and it's becoming easy to let myself get caught up in what I would like to do. I need to keep reminding myself to not let these thoughts control my decisions. I need to focus on seeking out God's desires for my life, and figure out how I can serve him best. If you could pray for this specifically, it would be great.

It's a comfort to see his presence and how he has been providing not only physically, but for my emotional needs as well. The last couple days have been pretty rough along the edges, but I'm so thankful that God's provided encouragement through meeting new friends, and having some great conversations with my family.

Thank you for your continued prayer and encouragement. I really appreciate it right now.

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